It’s been clarified that the % given to the modder is ultimately up to the original developer of the game, while Valve will take its 30% no matter what. Right now the split is 25% to mod creators, 30% to Valve and 45% to Bethesda. But in all seriousness, this may be the most complex issue, and one where fans might be overstepping just a tad. Thanks to jamby for the info.Well that was easy. To be able to get them to have 4,000 gold, you have to do all of the Town Influence quests (four per city plus one large quest per city) for them. Tonilia, Gulum-Ei (if you don't kill him), and Mallus Maccius (when you help him) are all options. They will have 4,000 gold every 48 hours.

You can use the merchants in every town, but the best place to do this is with members of the Thieves Guild.
However, if like me you don’t, then you generally find that waiting 48 hours (in the store, that is using the wait button) they will have their allotted amount of money back, so if you’re desperate, do that. Remember, shops don’t have unlimited gold, so try to get rid of stuff as and when you have it.Save it for the high money to weigh ratio. Don’t waste your time with stupid stuff like bread, plates, wooden dishes, etc. Pick up what you can, when you can and then when you get back into the city, sell everything you don’t want and net the cash.Simply put, don’t start that mission until you have this trophy and this will give you a 20,000 shortcut. In the last Dark Brotherhood main mission, “Hail Sithis!,” you’ll get given 20,000 gold, which you have to invest in another mission.Doing missions for the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood will net you plenty of coin.Killing dragons and selling their Dragon Bones and Dragon Scales is a good way to earn some quick bucks.First things first, the trophy requires you have 100,000 gold on you at any one time